Alioop's EZ Quiz

As Harry Truman said, "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know." This is your chance to learn everything you never thought you'd want to know about me.

I really don't have anything witty to say, but the geniuses who control this quiz thing require you do write a heck of a lot, which ain't easy for a man of few words like me.

Created by: Alan of alioop
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's my favorite Mahler Symphony?
  2. Strauss's Alpine Symphony contains a tribute to which composer, who had recently died?
  3. Modern choreographer Paul Taylor first used baroque music with what dance?
  4. Who was afraid to write a "ninth" symphony?
  5. Who asked some of the leading composers of the day to write a variation on a Bellini theme, put them all together, and had the work performed by six virtuoso pianists on one stage?
  6. In what opera does a guy sing about an old coat?
  7. Music from which opera do the films "Raging Bull" and "Godfather 3" use in common?
  8. The greatest tenor who ever lived was...
  9. My favorite Paul Taylor dance is...
  10. My favorite non-Paul Taylor dance is...

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