alien or monster

there are aliens and there are monsters but no one is both which will you get i dont know you dont know we all dont know lol please answer truthfully and honestly please do that for me it would be great if you did thank you

are you a monster or are you an alien i am not sure but if you take my quiz you will find out lol agin alright im outta stuff to write take my quiz please answer truthfully and honestly please do that for me it would be great if you did thank you

Created by: naruto51042
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you like to abduct and disect a human or eat them for food
  2. would you like to be an odd little green man or a blob of goo
  3. would you rather walk around or ride in a ufo
  4. would you rather burn in hell or live forever
  5. would you rather live in space or on earth
  6. what is your favorite color
  7. last question did u like my quiz
  8. kidding this is the last question do i know where you live
  9. lol whoops i thought that was the last question am i smart
  10. what is your favorite curse word

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