Alice in Wonderland Quiz

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Do love fantasy books? Do you Like Alice in Wonderland? Then this is the quiz for you! This quiz will test your reading comprehension skills and your quizzing skills!

Go ahead and give it a shot. It will be fun. This quiz does test your knowledge on the books you read and your ability to recognize quotes and events from the books you read.

Created by: Glittergirl822
  1. Alice is feeling____while her sister reads a book.
  2. What does Alice see when her sister is reading the book?
  3. How does Alice react to what she sees?
  4. Alice goes down what type of hole?
  5. When she gets to the bottom of the hole she sees and does what?
  6. What does she see next?
  7. What does Alice do with what she sees?
  8. What does this do to her?
  9. Next Alice realizes she forgot what on the glass table?
  10. What does Alice do to reach the key?
  11. Fill in the quote: Off with your_____!
  12. Who said that quote?

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