AJ quiz 🐶🐱🐭🐹🐯🦁🐮🐸🐵

There are many geniuses of animal jam, but I only know few. Animal jam is an awesome place, but will you know enough about it? And are you one of the geniuses?

Are YOU a AJ genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify the AJ genius title? Will you live up to your name on this tiny quiz? Will you be the new champion?

Created by: Ruby
  1. What is the most popular AJ animal?
  2. Which is the favourite item?
  3. What is the most famous male jammer?
  4. Which is the most popular female jammer?
  5. What animal do lots of people wish was in AJ?
  6. What is the most popular game in AJ?
  7. What party does every jammer like the best?
  8. Which emoji do I like best (random question)
  9. Which emoji do jammers use most often?
  10. How long do you think it took me make this quiz?

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