aj lee fan quiz

Do you honestly think your smart think you know all the aj lee facts right from nxt right to her big shot at wrestlemania you do then take this quiz just to see if you are a True fan

Are you a real aj lee fan think your smart enough to take on this quiz do it just to see how much you truly are an aj lee faN and see if you need to ask yourself I am a smart person or I am not an aj lee fam

Created by: demi hannah walker
  1. Who do you think aj lee likes best
  2. What were her two hair coulers
  3. What is aj less theme song at the oresent
  4. Which of these has she never been
  5. Who has aj lee been on an affair with
  6. How many fans on twitter does she have
  7. Who did she beat for the title at payback
  8. Who did she cost the match to and it was 18s
  9. Who did she cost a match to when this person was against Alberto del rio
  10. How many times has she been gm

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