Agere and petre quiz! Would we get along?

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hewo hewo! i is a lil one here and i wanna knows who alls can be my fwiends! go check me out on pintewest @pawprintsupthewalls and i hopes u has so much fun!

i wan lil fwiends! i is named skylar but i awlso go by cloud! is cant wait to see who does dis! i hopes u enjoy dis quiz, has a nice day! i wuvs uuuuuuuuuuu!! (Note: Picture was made on Flan's Character Creator on Picrew)

Created by: [DELETED]
  1. Hewo! Is gud day? :3
  2. is regwessor?
  3. uhs u wikes sanwio?
  4. is favowite cowors? :0
  5. wa u lil age?
  6. wa u pet?
  7. is giwrl, boy, or somefin ewlse?
  8. wa favowite snackies?
  9. nappie or plays?
  10. collar?
  11. paci?
  12. pet or wild?
  13. stuffies??
  14. huggie?
  15. otay dis all i wuvs u

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