Advice for Middle School, Please? | Comments

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  • I have so, so much to say about middle school. I'm in college now & still remember how stressed I was that I wanted to "be myself" but hadn't figured out who I was yet. I wish I could write more but it's already way too much.

    Let me warn you now that almost EVERYBODY looks back on it as their most awkward phase since everyone matures at different rates and figures out who they want to be. Embrace it :)

    If you can get your class schedule before school starts, walk around and find where your classes are so it's less stress the 1st day. Also practice opening your locker if those are new for middle school(they were for me)

    Also you don't need to buy all 6 million school supplies on the lists in stores. I did & wasted a lot of money lol. Teachers tell you on the 1st day what you'll REALLY need for the year.

    If grades are important to you keep up with them to stay in the habit of doing your work. But don't stress about perfect scores because GPA's not an issue until high school anyway. So don't be afraid to take a class that sounds too hard, or one that sounds fun but isn't required. Don't let anyone tell you that you need to start planning your life now.

    Try to be nice to people. Not like a pushover, but middle school is an intense couple of years. Don't be the kid that makes fun of people for how they dress/act. Most people change and it's fun to look back on what you did & laugh, don't be afraid of looking stupid here and there.

    Don't get wrapped up in middle school romance, boys & girls haven't even BEGUN understanding how the other thinks. 9 times out of 10 it's a lot of silly drama & they break up after a month or 2

    People try to downplay how teenagers feel for some reason. But your mental health is really important. Even if you don't think your issues are big enough to talk to someone, just remember it's what counselors are PAID to

  • I know this quiz was probably made a long time ago, but stay calm. I'm already in 7th grade. On my first day of 6th grade, I was nervous as ever. But I felt better after the first week was over. I knew my locker combination good, my classes, made lots of friends. Dont worry :) and yes there will likely be some bullies but who cares stand up for yourself!

  • Hi, I am not in middle school (yet) but anyway, here's some advice...

    1. Keep to your own social group.

    2. Don't focus on being popular or cool! It doesn't matter!

    3. Don't be the snobby bullies you read about in books.

    4. If you ever need any help, talk to a teacher, parent, or trusted adult.

    Hope this was helpful!


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