Adventurous quiz

I was motivated to create this quiz because I thought it would be fun and lots of people would enjoy it. Instead of being a boring quiz I made it into an interesting quiz.

Are you a genius? Do you have the brain knowledge to qualify for a quiz which you win something for? Well try this quiz and you will know if you do or not.

Created by: Emma
  1. What is the 12th letter in the alphabet?
  2. How many days does September have?
  3. How many bones do you have in each hand?
  4. What is the scariest number?
  5. Which tv soap is Charley Webb in?
  6. Who won the X factor 2014?
  7. How many months are in a year?
  8. What does all of the colours of the rainbow mean?
  9. How many fingers do you have?
  10. What colour does the colours blue and yellow make?
  11. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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