Advanced How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days Quiz

Come one, come all to this quiz on the iconic rom-com, How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days! Do you want to deem yourself a movie expert on this? Then come! But you're warned; these are the TOUGHEST questions!

As you take this quiz, you will be asked about Andie, Ben, Michelle, Lori, and much more! Have fun, and treat yourself to this movie afterwards!!!!!:)

Created by: Still_Slytherin.7572
  1. What does Lori always say?
  2. Andie wants to write about what Eurasian country?
  3. In the staff meeting, how many men attended?
  4. What day do Andie and Ben see a couples therapist?
  5. What is Mr. DeLauer's first name?
  6. What is the name of Michelle's latest boyfriend?
  7. What team were the Knicks playing in the Playoffs?
  8. What is Ben's idea for the diamond campaign?
  9. What is the name of Andie and Michelle's other friend?
  10. What concert does Andie take Ben to?
  11. Andie complains the Coke is....?
  12. What drink does Andie bring Michelle after her breakup?
  13. What is Ben's mom's name?
  14. Finally, what is the name of the diamond Andie wears to Ben's work party?

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