AdoptMe Quiz Challenge

click on the answer you think is correct so yea its makeing me type 150 charaacters for both of these boxes sadly but yea message me on insta @anon_bailey_shxdowgxmergirl and a screenshot on what u got ull get a prize btw

gl! so yea gl and have fun stay safe and ye go hange with ur friends play mabye truth or dare, never have i ever or more but ye im bored lol and if u read da last pharagraph yk y

Created by: bailey williams of my yt UwU
(your link here more info)
  1. who created adopt me? guess right
  2. when was adopt me made? hopefully ur right
  3. where are bees found?
  4. are the adopt me creator kids teens or adults?
  5. which is the rarest pet in am?
  6. what is am thinking abt making the new egg called
  7. which egg do u think they should make idc if u wrong but i think tiger egg
  8. which app do people post about adopt me more on?
  9. which is the first (multiple pet) egg in am?
  10. which was not a event egg?

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