Addicted to taking away electronics

This quiz is for parents to see if there being to rough or just you're kid hate you for life. Even if he is addicted you should try not to be so mean.

This quiz is also for kids to take if they know there parents. If you feel your parents are being unfair try this quiz your could being crazy or you could overexsagerating

Created by: Harold
  1. Do you feel good when you take away electronics from your child
  2. Does your child cry and complains that you stop taking it away?
  3. Does your child say mean words like I hate you, Your the worst, I wish you never lived because you took away the game?
  4. Do you consistanly ground your child from video games because you hate them.
  5. Do you consistanly think that taking the game away will make your child spent more family time?
  6. Do you care a lot about dinner, running to the park with your child, and asking him about his day
  7. Do you yell at your child when he says he is not addicted to the game
  8. Do you think if your child wins a good argument over you, you should say no because your boss?
  9. Even when you're not even watching him play you are thinking about taking the game away forever.
  10. Instead of talking to him you make a argument with your child about taking away the game?

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