Abueno adios master

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Okay just comment of your not gonna miss me cause I wanna generally know who’s gonna miss me or not I assume most of you won’t miss you now you guys are being really rude to me now I’m not even rude anymore

You guys are rude now and so anyway now this is bye wow wow been on here for a long time i was looking at other threads and i found something acrimony said and yeah after the way ive treated you and the way youve treated me i should leave so wow didnt think this is how it would go down Rjdjcfmmfdjfmfmsjjffnjdmcmfdjmfmfsicmfndjxcjfmdjdcj&cjjfmcdmfjfdjjrmSksmdmddjzldmdjdmzmdfnrkfmfjzkdmDkkksskjxskkxkckskcmxksck

Created by: TeaTime
  1. Might come back sometimes but for the most time I’m gonna be offline
  2. It was nice knowing all of you I mean not really
  3. Been treated pretty harshly on this website maybe you guys should think about what YOU did and how it affected me I mean good god my father died and you guys still act like I’m some sort of chihuahua that won’t let go of your leg
  4. For the most part I don’t like any of you except lucy
  5. Balls
  6. Funny right?
  7. Good god Tony’s over
  8. I’m gonna miss you all <3 I still don’t like you but have a good life 👋
  9. So yeah hate to say this but adios pretty sure the mods and everyone except lucy will be pretty happy I might just talk to her
  10. Abueno adios master

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