About Animal Jam Jammers

This quiz is about giving your opinions on the game, Animal Jam. The quiz explains itself well so just ignore the dots lol.......................


Created by: MagicDude AJ
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like the rare items you have? (you don't want to trade them)
  2. How long do you play Animal Jam during the week? (7 days = 1 week)
  3. Be Honest -- Do you try to play AJ during school? (if you can)
  4. Which day of the week do you play animal jam the longest? (sorry couldn't fit all 7, if you play most on Sunday please put Saturday)
  5. couldn't think of anything choose the one with 2 dots
  6. Have you heard of Tunnel Town?
  7. Do you play AJ while you are eating? (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  8. Do you like to Role-play -- Good or Bad? (good meaning no violence, bad meaning some violence)
  9. Which one these Famous Jammers is your favorite? (i put me so i can see how many ppl like me lol)
  10. What do you rate Animal Jam? (10 being best)

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