A warrior cats love story with you as she-cat

I hope you enjoy the quiz it is my first one so far. I apologise if you don't like it but i think I did quite well. Anyway hope you enjoy the quiz. 😉

So it's actually fot she-cats (girls) only bur you can still do it if you don't mind being a girl😂. I might do one for toms as well as this one. 😜💕

Created by: SolarSpirit
  1. You open your eyes and see a silver she-cat looking down at you. She is your mother. And next to her is your father, a fiery golden tom. What do you think?
  2. Suddenly you hear a mew. "Dawnkit isn't it? Will you play with us? " (Dawnkit is your name). You turn around and see a black kit (Nightkit) a golden kit (Sunkit) and a silver kit (Riverkit). Who do you play with?
  3. Whoever you chose, your mum makes you play with all of them. Skip 6 moons (yes so fast)
  4. You are out on a hunting trip when a rouge attacks you! What do you do?
  5. Whatever you choose, Nightpaw crashes through the Heather and drives away the rouge. You have a bite on your neck and you fall into darkness. But what do you think before?
  6. You wake up in the medicine cats den and you try to sit up. Who do you want to see?
  7. It's you warrior ceremonie, you become Dawnfur, Nightpaw Nightstorm, Sunpaw Sunpelt, Riverpaw Riverfall. Who do you sit with on the vigil?
  8. You are getting kits! But who's the father?
  9. Did you like the quiz?
  10. I might do another.

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