A Warrior Cats Life 2

Hi! Before taking this quiz you have to take A Warrior Cats Life first or this won't make any since trust me. Well here is the quiz and you WILL like it!!!

ARE you relly a warriors freak? I'll make that into a quiz later but first take this one. If you took the first quiz you should know this quiz is for she-cats only! Sorry toms!

Created by: Fadingechoes
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you havent taken A Warrior Cats Life quiz dont take this one. O.K so in the last one you found out you were having Redclaws kits. You feel...
  2. Well Hawkstrike thinks thier his kits. You hope he wont find out the truth. You are so bord of sitting in the nusery you...
  3. Unless you picked one of the last two you are outside of camp. You suddenly stop and relize the kits are comming. You see an enemy patrol and call for help. When they get there you...
  4. You deliver a white she- cat safly you name her___kit.
  5. Next you have a orange tom you name him ___kit
  6. Next is a big reddish tom. He looks just like Redclaw. You name him...
  7. After all three are deliverd the enemy patrol helps you take them back to camp. When you are alone in the nusry with Hawkstrike he tells you he knows the truth and dosen't care. You...
  8. The next day you have leg cramps so while the kits are sleeping you take a walk. As you leave camp an enemy patrol attacs camp and steals ___kit your only she-cat. Will you take the nexted one?
  9. Did you take the first one?
  10. Did you like it?

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