A trusty werewolf quiz!

Have you been looking for the quiz to tell you if your a werewolf well here's the one you must be looking for! A trusty quiz!

Do you have what it takes to be one? If so maybe you are one,if you just cant stand them or don't believe in them your probaly not one well just take this here quiz to find out!

Created by: Kitten tamer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you suffer from lungcary? It is something wrong with breathing sometimes on a full moon
  2. Do you sleep with your mouth open?
  3. Were you ever born on a full moon half moon or a new moon?
  4. Are you afraid of heights?
  5. Do you like blood?
  6. Do you ever have a tinselly feeling running up your spine?
  7. Do you hate baths?
  8. Would you like meat or salad?
  9. Ok bye!
  10. Bouns!!!! Ok so are you a vegertaian?

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