A Tropical Love Story...with a few twists part 2 | Comments

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  • It's a good thing I took the first quiz, by the way, still love mark. Anyway, better than the first. P.S I'm not stalking u I just saw the second part and wanted to keep going. Oh yah and James is STILL a over protective perv. The good thing is tho that mark is the bravest. OMG am I falling in lov with a fictional character!!! And his power is earth! Yeash, Another good thing is that patrick is waay cuter is the second one. So all in all better than the first.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Your Result: James Spark

    James doesn't really know what to do about you. He knows he likes you (A LOT) but he's not really sure how you feel about him. James knows your scared and at the moment your safety is the only thing that matters to him.

    LOVE IT!!!!!!

  • yes, Patrick! I LOVE these quizzes!!!!!!


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