A Third Original Pee Scenarios Quiz

Check out my 2 other choose-your-own-adventure styled pee scenarios quizzes before this one. Come on, just do it! You know you want to... ok go take the quiz now.

You may have noticed that these quizzes almost always have longer paths in the answers first. Yeah I just get lazier and lazier over time, but there are a lot of paths in this one!

Created by: Gamer_Champ
  1. To start, here are some rules: 1. Go to the question it tells you to go to on the answer. 2. submit your answers when it tells you to. 3. (optional) try to get all the paths.
  2. Chapter one: The prologue. You're at home. you are a college student and it is Saturday. You're having dinner and you need to pee pretty badly. You know you have a very weak bladder. Your food just got ready, though, and you want to eat it while it's hot.
  3. You go to the bathroom and come back to cold food.
  4. You hope for the best as you shovel down your food as fast as you can. You forgot it's hot, though, so you burn your mouth HARD. You're fanning out your mouth when you look down. There's a wet patch! You know you can't hold it much longer.
  5. You decide your mouth is more important. You pour cold water down your throat and you feel a whole lot of relief. You then realize that you are peeing. A lot. You try to stop it while you go to the bathroom, but by the time you get there, it's all out.
  6. You run to the bathroom and pull a bit too hard at the door. It jams before you realise it's a push door. You try desperately to get it open but alas, you feel relief as a warm stream of liquid runs down your legs.
  7. You've been holding it in for a while, so you decide to just let it out. You finally feel relief as you pants feel wet.
  8. You carry your food to the bathroom slowly. You should really start tidying up the house! You can't hold yourself much longer, though, and a wet patch appears.
  9. You trip and fall. Your food spills everywhere and a puddle forms on the floor. The puddle isn't from your food, though.
  10. You keep going, making sure you don't trip. Slowly, your bladder empties itself, but eventually it reaches a point where you can manage to hold it in again. You make it to the bathroom with soaked underwear and a large wet patch on your pants.
  11. After all of that, you look down at your phone and see that there's a haunted house planned for tomorrow. Do you go?
  12. Chapter 2 Path 1: The haunted house. You arrive alone at the haunted house. You enter a cool looking room and pay to get in. You enter the haunted house and look around. There are a few ways to go.
  13. You choose the movie one, and you enter a large room. You then realize that you probably picked the worst one because you look around and see it's a movie theatre. You get comfy and a horror movie starts playing. half an hour later, though, you're paying less attention to the horror movie as you are to your bladder. You're about to pee yourself!
  14. You get up to go leave, and the door locks behind you. You then realise that the only bathroom here is at the front desk, and that's locked from here. You leave out of the exit of the building and realize you came in way too late and it's closed now.
  15. The building is locked.
  16. You're speeding down the road when a cop pulls you over. You try to explain that you need to use the bathroom really bad, but in the middle of your sentence, you lose it and soak your pants.
  17. You look for some place open with a bathroom, and you find a store that has one! Phew.
  18. Now that you've peed yourself, what do you do?
  19. Now there's a puddle on the floor.
  20. You enter the chase path, not knowing what to expect. You start walking down a long hallway and suddenly realize you need to pee. It's pretty scary and you don't know where to go.
  21. A dark figure jumps from out of view and starts running toward you. You let out a shriek and start running. You eventually reach a safe space. You look down to see a puddle forming. You try to stop but you can't
  22. You continue the chase paths and jumpscares and soak yourself quite a few more times. By the end, you're all tired out.
  23. As you're leaving, someone spots you. "Heh, that must be a pretty scary mansion!"
  24. You look around the room of the very real path. You can see no walls, floor or ceiling. It's really dark.
  25. You step into the room and fall! You keep falling. What would most likely happen if this were you?
  26. You've been falling for 30 seconds. You really need to pee.
  27. You spot a button and miss it. It appears again. You realize you are falling through portals and didn't know it since it's so dark. You finally press the button and fall hard onto some pillown.
  28. Chapter 2 Path 2: The Diapered House. You go into the haunted house and run past the front desk after paying because you don't want your diaper to be noticed. You see a door ahead of you so you go through it. You've entered the chase path and you really need to pee.
  29. Suddenly, a dark figure jumps out at you and starts to chase you. You partially pee your diaper from shock but keep a lot of it. You run and make it to the safe spot.
  30. Suddenly, a dark figure jumps out at you. You start peeing yourself from shock and also start running. By the time you get to the safe space, your diaper has leaked and your pants are soaked.
  31. As pee flows out into your diaper, you notice your pants getting wet. It's leaking! You can't go through the haunted house like this. You decide to leave, but which one of these do you do?

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