A supernatural love story part 3

This is the fourth in the series of a supernatural love story. No one really reads this so, hope you enjoy! Below are just random letters! M.


Created by: Tigerluvvvver
  1. You get to the table and sit opposite all the guys cuz they r in a row by the table. The only empty seat is the one across from them. They look really nervous. You are thinking,
  2. Blake starts talking, " _____ you are here because you have special powers, supernatural powers. You haven't developed them yet but will soon. We can all sense it. That's why we brought you here."
  3. " so I have supernatural powers!? What are they? Do you know yet? Do-" you get cut off by Zach, " we'll answer your questions, don't worry. But eat something first. You havent eaten in 2 whole days. We made your favorite meal!" which is....
  4. So your eating your favorite meal, and it's absolutely delicious!! Now time for questions...
  5. You say, " what do you want, what powers do I have and do I need to do anything?" Adrian answers your question after getting looks from the other guys. " I'm going to answer your first and last question. We need you to help fight Kalina, the evil queen who wants to kill all humans because they are mortal, as you are immortal. And we don't know what your powers are. Yet. Tyler will run some tests on you if you are ok with that." you, " sure! I really want to know my powers. And yes, I will help defeat the evil queen Kalina." all of the guys smile.
  6. Before you go, Zachary says, " oh yeah, my powers are Invisibility and teleportation. Blakes can control emotions and use a bow and arrow. Tyler has mind reading and power over water. Adrian is a shapeshifter and can levitate things." you were really shocked and Tyler took you to a small lab in the house to run some tests.
  7. So once you get to the lab, Tyler takes some blood. Then puts it in a machine. While its analyzing, he pulls you towards him and kisses you. You both pull away and you are shocked.
  8. He says" I'm sorry, your just so pretty, I'm sorry if I didn't pay much attention to you, I'm just really shy."
  9. The machine has now finished analyzing your blood! It turns out that you have invisibility,mind reading, all four elements, and shape shifting! You are so surprised that you have 4 powers! Your thoughts are...
  10. You tell all the guys and they are really happy for you! Blake then says," we will start training tomorrow after breakfast! Get a goodnight sleep! " you say good night to all the guys and go to your room. You fall asleep and dream about...
  11. You wake up after a wonderful night! It's 8:42 am. You get dressed into...
  12. Whatever you wear all the guys compliment you on it! You eat muffins or watever you want for breakfast. Then Zach explains the order of traing. " first I will train you with Invisibility, earth and air. Next, Adrian will train you with fire and shape shifting.Tyler with water and mind reading. Lastly, Blake will train you with self defense and how to use a bow and arrow.
  13. Ok, please comment with ideas! And rate maybe!

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