A Simple Quiz For Fun

Not all people know their facts, even you. I'm not trying to be mean just saying its not always what you seem so if you got a bad score then that is ok.

Do you boleave in yourself I do but do you you shod everyone is different some are better than othersbut deep down inside I know you can do it and special the way you are?

Created by: katilin
  1. We will start of simple how many days in a year? Not a leap year.
  2. Harder, what is not in an encloser at a zoo?
  3. How many holes in a polo?
  4. Harder than the last one how many days in a year? A leap year.
  5. What year did England win the world cup?
  6. How many times has Liverpool won the premier league?
  7. How many times has Liverpool won the football league?
  8. What dogs puppies are worth 5,000 pounds?
  9. What is the only tv company that sels a cursive tv?
  10. Why do we get homework?

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