a realistic quiz to the zombie apocalypse

will you survive zombies unconsecrated from the forest of hands and teeth the zombies of World war z and emergency and the zemons of dead before dawn good luck

if you beat my quiz you have the reward of rubbing it in you're friend's pizza like face that you didn't turn and they did while you laugh feeding they greedy maws lead

Created by: frostythepiro

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. a news flash says breaking news a viral containment plant has ruptured and reanimated corpses are running rampant what is your most likely thought
  2. what do you have as far as arming yourself
  3. how do your board your house up
  4. what many would you limit your starting group to
  5. what is your food supplies limited to currently
  6. how would you rate your agility
  7. what is your local area like
  8. what would you do to preserve food
  9. this is obvious where do you shoot the zombies
  10. do you have a alternate power source
  11. one of you are infected
  12. almost forgot what is your hangout
  13. you're low on ammo most of your crew is dead if you had one low on food the zombies are in what do you do
  14. you're on the road what's your ideal place for the night
  15. you find a small town they seem to be decent folk they've fortified the area have life stock and other item's and have let you in what do you do
  16. if moved in what house do you choose
  17. if you went on the road where will you go
  18. lastly how charismatic are you

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