A Hogwarts Love Story Part 2 (New Version) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz A Hogwarts Love Story Part 2 (New Version).
I love this rewritten version of your series! I can definitely tell you've grown as a writer, and despite your broken hand (I hope it gets better!), these editions were brilliant. I hope to see Part 3 soon!
Your Result: Harry Potter 91%
resultHarry was being quite a git....but it was really Ron's plan. But even though what he did was terrible and you should be amngry at him you can't help but feel....flattered. Do you actually have feelings for him? I do
@music826 So sweet! Thank you so much! So sweet! Your series is also amazing! And my hand is hurting a bit but its the cast that makes it harder to write! I'm hoping to have part 3 in about 2 days or so
its really way cool.. i love draco.. actually he's really hot now! part 3 pleeeaaseeee .. hope you get well soon :)
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