A fat roleplay story

Ever wondered what it would be like being fat? Well here you go! A roleplay quiz where you get force fed by a random stranger. You may become obese or you may just be a bit chubby

Will you like being fat and having a massive belly and breasts? Or would you rather fit into XS jeans? Your fate can be decided in this quiz. Goodluck and have fun.

Created by: Alfred
  1. So you actually wanted to do this?
  2. 1st roleplay: you are walking home from a pizza place where you just had lunch with your friends. A strange man walks up to you and asks for your name. “Hey lady! What’s you name?” You decide not respond and just start running away. This angers the man and he runs after you and knocks you out. You wake up in what appears to be a shed possibly in his backyard. Your reaction?
  3. The man walks in with what appears to be a giant tube that smells like chocolate fondue. “Hey (insert name).”“How do you know my name?!” You yelled at him but her didn’t seem fazed. “Oh, you dropped your wallet and I found your license.” “Anyways you would look better if you put on some pounds.” “I Will help you with that.” Your reaction?
  4. No matter your response he hooks up the tube to your mouth and you taste the chocolate. “You are about to start gaining. You may stop at any time but you have to pay 10 bucks.” What do you do?
  5. He points to a scale that reads your weight then he leaves.The weight reads 119. But it pops up to 120 suddenly.You don’t feel any different.
  6. It pops up to 130. Your Stomach feels bigger and softer and fatter. Your jeans feel a bit tighter. Your shirt was a bit lose anyways so it should be fine.
  7. The scale reads 145 you are overweight. Your jeans seem like they are ready to pop and your stomach has 3 rolls. The man comes back. “Tell me when your ready to stop!”.
  8. The scale reads 190. You are obese. The chair your tied to breaks. Your button pops off and your jeans are starting to rip. Your shirt feels tight and it’s hard to stand. When you do your thunder thighs clap and your body jiggles.
  9. You weight 567 pounds. You can’t stand so your now immobile. There are oceans of your fat in the tiny shed. You have 8 fat rolls and you can’t even see your feet anymore sitting or standing! Your massive breasts and muffin top cover it!
  10. You hit 1,190 pounds. The man comes back to unhook the tube. “Wow!, you look hot! As much as I’d like to see you bigger you passed my challenge. The only issue is you can’t move so your mine now.
  11. Because the man made you immobile, you now are his little toy. He feeds you and rubs your belly when it hurts. You and him play with your fat all day while binge watching Netflix. You eventually hit 1,300 pounds by forcefully dating and marring this guy.

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