A Dog's Purpose: Part One

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This roleplaying quiz is based off the book "A Dog's Purpose" by W. Bruce Cameron. I had thought it would be delightful to tell a story in the same way, but as a different dog.

Each part will be each one of your lives. I will not make another part unless others will comment and rate, stating they want me to create another part of this adventure.

Created by: Dogs71
  1. You felt a warm nudge to your side, gently waking you up as it continued. You growled softly, but it never stopped. It felt as if it could take days to end. Sighing roughly, you blinked your eyes open, now realizing the nudges were the squirming presence of other puppies. It took you a few moments to notice these were your siblings; you were disappointed.
  2. Suddenly, a large shadow erupted from beneath a wall of greenery. It soon approached, now laying at the foot of you and your siblings. You stood your ground with your tail flat out as a sign of aggresion, but your siblings dashed towards the large creature with desperate squeaks of hunger. This was your mother.
  3. You then decided it wouldn't be a harm to obtain some food from your mother. You crawled towards her, before clawing at her stomach. Your siblings were crowding the way, which frustrated you. You then shouldered your way around them, before finding something to suckle on. You felt the warm, comforting milk slide down your throat as you continued to suckle.
  4. One year later.....
  5. "This one's a rare one," a voice was heard from a distance. You couldn't really make out the words, but you knew it was a man who was babbling.
  6. You listened to the sound of leather shoes pounding on gravel. Tilting your head, you questioned the aggresive vibe you had gotten from the pounding against dirty gravel. "Shush it!" The man shouted, clenching his teeth. You weren't sure what 'shush' meant, so you broke out into ferocious, loud barking.
  7. The man's leather shoes clicked against gravel as he continued on, ignoring you completely. Your expression grew sour, angry at the fact anyone would dare ignore you. You slumped down into your kennel, quietly whimpering.
  8. "Hi, sweetie," a sweet voice behind you chuckled brightly. You immediately whipped around, your eyes blazing with hope. "You ready to be adopted?" You noticed who the voice belonged to; a girl. She appeared to be young, and short. But that didn't stop you. You jumped up onto the cage, your tail wagging wildly.
  9. You jumped up on the cage, before she offered her hand for you to lick. To her dismay, you gave a short, aggresive nip which caused her hand to bleed. You listened to the whimpers of the girl as she began sobbing.
  10. You jumped up on the cage, before she offered her hand for you to lick. You immediately began licking her hand with no hesitation, spreading it in slobber. She laughed in delight, before gently latching the gate to the cage open.
  11. As soon as there was an opening, you bolted off, being sure to dodge any humans around. The girl yelled after you, but you paid no heed. In a short time span, when you were away from everything, you felt a painful tug at your side, before everything faded into darkness. You were dead. (Hit submit)
  12. You delightedly licked her rosy cheeks as she thrusted you high into the air with you still in her arms. You shivered with excitement. Soon enough, she had brought you to a wide, narrow road. A car was headed towards both you and her. She screamed in agony, before you were thrust into utter darkness, no sounds to be heard. You were dead.
  13. Comment and rate for part two!

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