A Day in the Life of a Warrior Cat 5

Hello again! In this quiz, you find out where you heart truly lies. Sun Scorch? Or your family? It’s your choice! Join Crystal Breeze as she continues her life.

Diamond Sky was badly hurt by the foxes, but she has healed and is getting on with her life. It’s time for you to do the same. What will you choose? Enjoy!

Created by: Echosong
  1. You take your fresh kill into the camp and collapse down in the warm sunlight. Sun Scorch hurries to your side. “Are you okay?” He asks.
  2. He stretches and curls beside you. “Well, sleep, and I’ll groom you.” You fall asleep under the steady rasp of his tongue.
  3. The next morning, you are ready for dawn patrol. You, Diamond Sky, River Ripple and Sun Scorch leave to reset the borders.
  4. After you and Sun Scorch have eaten, he asks to talk to you.
  5. “Crystal Breeze,” he meows. “I love you. Will you be my mate?”
  6. You fall asleep with Sun Scorch curled around you.
  7. (Time skip two moons) You wake up with a twinge in your belly. You go straight to Peach Blossom. You wonder...
  8. “Crystal Breeze, you are going to have kittens!” Peach Blossom announces.
  9. Sun Scorch walks into the medicine cat’s den. “Crystal Breeze! Are you alright?”
  10. “Really? That’s amazing!” Sun Scorch gasps. He takes you outside and licks your cheek. “My kits!”
  11. You go find Diamond Sky and River Ripple. “I’m expecting Sun Scorch’s kittens!” You meow. “Oh, Crystal Breeze, that’s excellent new!” Diamond Sky exclaims.
  12. You have already been expecting for a moon, so you move into the nursery with Berry Nose. Sun Scorch is very excited and brings you treats, fresh kill and water.
  13. One day, you are chatting with Peach Blossom when a tremble goes through your belly. “Your kittens are coming, Crystal Breeze.” Peach Blossom mews.
  14. Moon Fur, Sun Scorch and Diamond Sky appear by your side. You gasp in pain. Sun Scorch crouches down beside you. “It will be okay, my beloved Crystal Breeze.” He whispers.
  15. Your little kittens are born; two beautiful daughters. “Well done, my beloved, well done!” Sun Scorch whispers. “What shall we name them?”“Willow Kit and Dawn Kit.” You pant.

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