A Complicated One Direction Story- No Control #2

Chapter 2 of my story is officially out! You must read my first chapter "A Complicated One Direction Story-Little Things." This story is AMAZING! Please read it.

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Created by: Siennaloves1D
  1. Last time on A Complicated One Direction Story: 'I'm hungry!' Niall explained, looking at Louis. He rolled his eyes and got up and glanced at the clock. 'It's 6:30. Let's have tea.' He said, looking at Liam. 'Nando's?' Niall asked. 'NO!' We all chorused. 'Ohh!' Niall whinned. 'Let's have Subway!' I suggested. 'Yeah!' One Direction yelled and Liam drove to Subway.
  2. We ate and came back to the tour bus and I went onto my bed and closed the curtain. 'Open the curtain or come down!' I heard Harry's voice yell. I moaned and opened the curtain. 'That's better.' He smiled. I saw Harry and Louis on their beds. 'Where's Niall?' I asked. 'There.' Liam said, pointing to Niall's bed. I flopped upside-down, so he can see my face and my ginger hair. 'Hey, Niall.' I said, happily. 'Woah, you scared me!' He exclaimed. 'I do that to heaps of people.' I smiled. 'Stop scaring other people, especially your brother!' Harry shouted. 'Besides, don't hang upside-down! Blood goes to your brain!' Harry finished. 'Harry, don't be overprotective! Have fun and let go!' Louis warned Harry.
  3. I woke up, hearing my alarm clock. I turned it off. '6:30.' I said sleepily. 'Get up!' Louis and Liam yelled. I got up, noticing I was in the clothes I wore yesterday. 'I'll start cooking.' Louis said, heading into the small kitchen. 'We hardly ever cook in the kitchen, since it's quite small.' Liam demonstated. 'Come on, Lazybones!' I yelled, whacking Niall's head. 'Don't... that's cruel.' Liam said. 'What's cruel?' Harry asked, bolted upright. 'Valerie just hit Niall.' Liam said. 'One more naughty thing you do, I'll take your phone away for 2 months.' Harry argued.
  4. 'Breakfast is ready!' Louis called. Niall sat up and asked: 'Did anyone say breakfast?' I nodded, as Niall and Harry got out of bed. We ate and had gotten dressed in the bathroom. When I got out, I saw Harry half naked... 'Valerie, what are you doing looking at me not fully-dressed?' Harry shouted. 'Fine... I'll go outside.' 'Make sure we can all see you!' Harry shouted. I rolled my eyes and ran out the bus door. 'No running in the bus, either.' He yelled. 'Fine.' I mumbled as I slowed down.
  5. I did a few cartwheels outside and a handstand against a tree... not on the side of the tour bus. The boys came out. 'Valerie!' I heard Liam's voice call. 'Val!' Niall yelled. 'Come out, come out, wherever you are!' Louis shouted. I came down and Harry ran towards me, as well as the other boys. 'Where were you? What were you doing?' Harry asked, holding my hands. 'Handstands against that tree.' I replied back, pointing to the tree I handstanded on. 'As I said, blood could go to your brain. I noticed he got into a black shirt and black skinny jeans. 'Come inside.' Liam said, gesturing for me to go in the bus. Me and Niall played a few games of Connect 4 and Battleship, while the others talked.
  6. At 5, the boys were getting ready for another show. They had finished at 5:32, in time for their concert at 5:45. We all travelled towards a new stadium and the boys told me to wait backsta. A few minutes later, I heard Louis yell 'What's happening?' The crowd screamed and chanted '1D.' Niall, Louis, Harry and Liam danced and sung "No Control," "Where Do Broken Hearts Go," "Fireproof" and in the middle of "18," Liam signalled for me to come on stage. I nervously came on stage and Harry sang the chorus, holding onto my hand. I saw thousands of faces and 100 people holding up banners saying "One Direction lights up my world like nobody else" or "I have loved you since forever" and so on. 'Do a cartwheel.' Louis whispered. 'No.' I whispered. 'Come on, just one?' He persuaded. 'Fine, just one.' I murmured. I moved to the left side of the stage and sprinted onto the middle of the stage and did a round-off. The boys clapped as Harry finished "18." The show ended and Niall told me to wait in the tour bus again.
  7. I obeyed and walked into the bus, with heaps of fangirls asking for autographs and selfies. I did that and waited inside the tour bus. 2 hours later, the boys came back to me, looking exhausted. 'Hi, Val.' Niall said, flopping onto the couch, next to me. 'We were SO busy signing autographs. Liam sighed, sitting on his bed. Louis sat next to me, while Harry lied on his bed. 'Hey, Valerie!' Louis smiled. Me, Niall and Louis chatted, while Harry and Liam did something on their phones. We talked about the next show, where we are going to go next and the fans. Everyone went to bed in about 2 hours, after dinner, which was Nando's.
  8. The next morning, my alarm went off. 'There once was a group with Liam and Niall, Vas happenin' boys, vas happenin' boys, They lived with-' I answered it and they boys sat up laughing. 'What kinda alarm's that?' Louis laughed. I was embarrased. 'Great show!' Niall giggled. I hopped down. It was 7:01. I checked on Liam and Harry. Liam sat up and moaned, rubbing his eyes. 'Good morning! Your alarm woke me up.' He exclaimed. Then, I checked on Harry. 'Where's Harry?' I questioned. 'I dunno.' Niall replied. 'He could be anywhere.' Louis looked at Harry's bed. The boys got out of their beds and looked around for Harry. 'Hazz!' Liam yelled. 'Harold!' Louis shouted. Niall kicked Louis. 'Don't say that.' Niall said as he shook his head. Another hour passed and we had given up, so we decided to have breakfast and get dressed and things like that.
  9. We walked out of the bus and saw a crowd of screaming fans. 'Do you know where Harry Styles went?' Louis asked. 'Over there.' A fan replied, pointing to a forest. 'Okay, thanks.' Said Niall. We ran, well, me, Liam, Louis and Niall did. Half an hour later, we were in the middle of a forest. All there was were trees and the ground was barren, except for a few patches of grass. 'We're lost!' 'We are!' Chimed in Louis and Niall.
  10. Hey, this is to Zayn lovers, he'll come in the next chapter! It will be called "A Complicated One Direction Story-Na Na Na #3." Now I've got that song in my head!
  11. Next time on "A Complicated One Direction Story.": 'Hey, what's that?' Niall asked, looking at a shadowy figure. We ran towards it. 'Harry!' Louis yelled, sprinting towards a mysterious creature, which looked like a person. ------------------------------------------------------------- Suddenly, we heard screaming and feet pattering towards us. They were One Direction's fans!

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