A Complicated One Direction story- C'mon, C'mon

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By the way, this is chapter 5 of my cool story and I hope you guys and gals really enjoy it. There will be heaps of One Direction drama in the next chapter, so stick around.

I think you people should read this and the next chapter....and the next chapter...... and the next chapter and so on and so on. Ket's start reading!!!

Created by: Siennaloves1D
  1. 'Also, I forgot, do you know Calum Hood from 5 Seconds Of Summer?' Harry asked, while I nodded. 'The boys from that band wanted to give this to you.' He said, passing a parcel to me.
  2. 'Thanks Harry!' I replied, grabbing the wrapped gift. 'Oh my god! They are so adorable!' I squealed. A cute bear from Ashton, with his name on it, a locket necklace from Luke, with a picture of him on it and another of me, a diary from Micheal, which, his name's on the first page and a sparkly pink handbag from Calum. (It's got a note in the bag saying: To Valerie, Hope you like it, Calum xoxo.) And from all of them, a 5SOS book with their signatures on it. 'Wow, thank you!' I gasped, wishing that I could get up and hug Harry. 'No, don't thank me and also you're welcome.' Harry confessed. He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. 'Now my One Direction Infection's cured!' I exclaimed. 'Where did you get that from?' Harry blushed, cheeks burning red. 'Liam once said in an interview that the only way to cure One Direction Infection is to kiss Harry.' I replied. 'Hehe.' Harry chuckled. 'Now to never get 1D infection again!' Yelled Harry, before he kissed me on the lips, this time longer, for about 5 minutes, before we heard Niall's beautiful Irish accent.
  3. 'Hey, random boy I don't know, why is you kissing my so-called sister?!?!' 'What the heck, Niall?' Harry said, with a totally straight face. Niall turned away and walked back onto of Harry's bed and Liam waddled to sit on top of him. 'Awww!' Harry exclaimed. I looked at Louis, who was still remaining on my shoulder. Then I saw Zayn, who was still sleeping on my lap. 'Cute, aren't they, those two and those two, over there.' Said Harry, who pointed to me and his bed. I nodded my head. 'Let's sneak out and hide, shall we?' Harry mumbled with his tongue sticking out. 'No, we shouldn't, besides, Zayn and Louis' head's on me.' I replied. 'Okay, I'll go by myself.' Harry said, escaping through the front door. 'So you were the one who made the rest of 1D go to that party.' I argued. 'Fine... I was... Niall wanted to go to Nando's, while Louis wanted to see his girlfriend, Briana Jungwirth, while Liam wanted to go to the gym and Zayn wanted to come back here.' Harry apologised. 'I'm sorry.' He breathed.
  4. 'That's okay. I forgive you. We all make mistakes. Maybe the same ones!' I smiled. 'So we play, play, play all the same old games and we wait, wait, wait for the end to change and we take, take take it for granted that we'll be the same, why you're making all the same mistakes.' We sang. 'So bye, don't tell the others where I am.' Harry reminded me, while he slammed the door. Half an hour later, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn woke up. 'I'm dizzy!' Niall announced. 'So am I!' Zayn clarified, putting his hand on his head. 'Something's different.' Louis moaned. 'Someone's missing, but I can't pick out who it is.' Louis added. 'I think it's Harry.' Liam answered. 'Really? I thought it was Niall.' Louis groaned. 'He's over there, Dumbhead!' I shouted excited. 'Then where's Harry?' Louis asked. 'I dunno, but I'm gonna get up.' I replied, getting up.
  5. 'What are you doing?' Zayn asked me. 'What you think I'm doing.' I answered, simply. 'Oh, I thought you were gonna see if Harry's in the bathroom.' Zayn sighed. 'What's the matter, Zayn?' I asked. 'I MISS HARRY!' Zayn cried. 'He could be anywhere in this world!' Liam moaned. 'Well, not anywhere in this world!' Niall corrected, with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. The boys got up and scratched their heads. 'He could be at the shops... again.' Louis suggested. 'Let's wait here.' I said. 'Sure, we could do that!' Liam yelled. I guided them towards their beds, then I climbed onto my bed to text Harry. Me: where r u? H: @ da beach Me: boys r wonderin where u r. H: perfect prank! Me: wot, dis wos a prank?!?! H: yeah! I always pull pranks! Me: wotever H: c u soon Me: bye! I didn't even I had Harry's number, until I scrolled through the contacts
  6. 'Who's ya texting?' Louis asked curiously. 'Just a friend.' I lied. Louis grinned. 'Keeping in touch?' Zayn asked. 'Yes, very in touch.' I laughed gently. 'Who's your friend?' Niall asked. 'Alice Bettson.' I replied. 'ALICE IN WONDERLAND!' Louis called out like a 3-year-old. 'No, not that Alice, she's got dark brown hair and tanned skin with cocoa eyes.' I described. 'She sounds pretty. Not as pretty as you, love.' Liam acknowledged. 'Aww! Thanks, Liam!' I blushed. 'That's okay, Love.' Liam replied, grinning. 'OI, I'M IN LOVE WITH VAL!' Louis shouted.'I am, too!' Fought Zayn. 'I wonder what Harry thinks of Val.' Thought Louis. 'I think he loves my babe.' Zayn said. 'BUT SHE'S MINE!!!' Louis called out. 'Sje's my sister.' Niall mumbled. 'That means you can't fall in love with her!' Louis laughed. I didn't know which one to choose. Louis? Harry? Liam? Or Zayn? 'Who do you love, babe?' Zayn asked. 'I love all of you equally, so that makes it impossible to choose.' 'PICK ME, PICK ME!' Louis squealed, his arms flapping around in the air.
  7. 'Who's ya texting?' Louis asked curiously. 'Just a friend.' I lied. Louis grinned. 'Keeping in touch?' Zayn asked. 'Yes, very in touch.' I laughed gently. 'Who's your friend?' Niall asked. 'Alice Bettson.' I replied. 'ALICE IN WONDERLAND!' Louis called out like a 3-year-old. 'No, not that Alice, she's got dark brown hair and tanned skin with cocoa eyes.' I described. 'She sounds pretty. Not as pretty as you, love.' Liam acknowledged. 'Aww! Thanks, Liam!' I blushed. 'That's okay, Love.' Liam replied, grinning. 'OI, I'M IN LOVE WITH VAL!' Louis shouted.'I am, too!' Fought Zayn. 'I wonder what Harry thinks of Val.' Thought Louis. 'I think he loves my babe.' Zayn said. 'BUT SHE'S MINE!!!' Louis called out. 'Sje's my sister.' Niall mumbled. 'That means you can't fall in love with her!' Louis laughed. I didn't know which one to choose. Louis? Harry? Liam? Or Zayn? 'Who do you love, babe?' Zayn asked. 'I love all of you equally, so that makes it impossible to choose.' 'PICK ME, PICK ME!' Louis squealed, his arms flapping around in the air.
  8. 'I might, I might not.' I answered. 'Anyway, you've got Briana Jungwirth.' I continued. 'Oh, yeah! I forgot about her!.That means that I can have two girlfriends!' Exclaimed Louis. 'No, you can't.' Liam said seriously. 'Besides, you've got Sophia Smith and you've got Perrie Edwards.' I excused, while I pointed to Liam and afterwards Zayn. 'We're just friends. You and me. Just friends, all right?' Liam assured. 'Just friends, all right?' Zayn echoed. 'Yep, I can deal with that.' I replied, nodding. 'What about Niall? Can't you date him?' Louis asked, scratching his head. 'WELL, I CLEARLY CAN'T DATE MY OWN BROTHER!!!' I called out. 'You aren't his sister!' Louis yelled, like his usual self. 'Ignore Lou. He's acting up.' Zayn warned. 'I'll call Harry. See what he's doing.' Niall said casually. 'Sure.' I answered
  9. A few seconds later, we heard beeping from Niall's phone. "Beep... beep... beep.... beep..." it rung. 'Hello?' Harry's voice boomed on speaker. N: Hi, Hazz, where the heck are you? H: Ah- at the hospital N: What did you do? H: Some Directioners attacked me N: Really? H: Yeah, knee and all sorts N: See you soon! H: Bye! Then Niall hung up. 'He's in the hospital, boys... and girl.' Niall confirmed. 'Let's go, lads!' Zayn yelled, as the tour bus sprung to life by the man, Louis Tomlinson himself. We drove to the hospital and Liam and Zayn ran out of the vehicle towards the hospital. 10 minutes later, they came back, shaking their heads. 'Nope, not there.' Liam said. 'UGH, HARRY'S SUCH A LIAR! I HATE HIM... at times.' Louis shouted like his usual self. 'Where else could he be?' Niall asked. 'BEACH!' Louis yelled, straight after Niall said "be." 'Okay.' I said awkwardly. 'I know because it says on Valerie's phone. Read this.' Louis shouted, handing Niall my phone with one hand and driving on the other. As soon as Niall, Liam and Zayn had read it, their eyes grew wide in horror.
  10. Next time on A Complicated One Direction Story: 'Shut up, Niall, we don't need to hear you be a Grumpy Dumpy.' Louis said calmly. 'Whatever.' Niall mumbled and he stopped. ------------------------------------------------------------- 'Can I sing a song that I've been meaning to sing to you?' I asked. He nodded. 'It makes your li-i-ips so kissable and your ki-i-is unmissable your fingerti-i-ips so touchable and your ey-y-yes irresistible.' I sung, then we repeated the chorus one more time.
  11. I'm sorry this was out a bit late, but I'll type to you guys/gals ASAP, like in two days time with the title "A Complicated One Direction Story- Summer Love #6"And btw, I'm sorry I didn't do #5 on the end. I feel like this is the worst fanfic ever in the history of fanfics.... I hate it.

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