**Would I date you? Guys Only

Hi! I was just wondering whether there are guys in the world I would be happy to date! But, the real question is, would you date me???????????????????

Here is some stuff about me: My name is Joanna, I love to draw/paint, I swim and ice skate, I LOVE to read, (if you haven't read Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Divergent, etc. you HAVE to red them!) Hope you like my quiz!

Created by: jmdvorkin
  1. Hi!
  2. What color is your hair?
  3. What color is your eyes?
  4. Where would you take me on a date?
  5. Have you lied on this quiz to make me like you?
  6. Which of these stereotypes fit you?
  7. Do you have a Tattoo(s)?
  8. Would you cheat?
  9. I have brown hair, brown almond shaped eyes, warm toned skin, and am super tall.
  10. What is your favorite subject in school?
  11. How tall are you?
  12. Do you swear?
  13. Would you ever go camping with me? Like, in a tent?
  14. What would you think of me if I was not like other girls?
  15. Would you let me meet your parents?
  16. Post your results in comments?

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