~WoF Love story!~{GIRLS ONLY}

I was bored and it took me two days to make- Have fun and uhm- Hope you enjoy..............yea.................. IOAJILUFGKUISKLUIFHISHNUIKDUJHUFKYH*IUSHUUIFGJDBIUGD


Created by: QUINTER4EVER
  1. Frist- what's your tribe? if your a hybrid pick that!
  2. Now! What's your name? You can choose from the list below OR if you have your own choice!(WONT EFFECT YOUR SCORE)
  3. Aright! Are you ready to rp???
  4. It's your first day at Jade Mountain Academy! As you walk in you see dragons crammed together, talking, trying to squeeze by, or just standing in a corner waiting for everyone to leave. How do you feel?
  5. You finally build up the corague(if you were any of the nervous options) OR you walk into the packed cave with a proud expression. After you squeeze by you look back before bumping into a dragon, the SeaWIng growls "WATCH IT!" He snapped as he gathered his tail and glared at you. How do you respond?
  6. As you enter your cave you notice snow, a hammock, and a____(depends on your tribe) The hammock had a slight lump in it and a small light brown head with light green freckles popped out. He nodded in a friendly way and went back into his hammock, You:
  7. (ONLY IF YOU PICKED THE LAST OPTION TO THE LAST QUESTION) His dotted head lifted up slightly and he stared at you "huh? who?" He said his voice soft but filled with confusion.
  8. As you sit down OR still run down the hall the gong rings. You rush to your class and its history! You sit next to a SandWing and he looked at the corner of his eye at you before smiling in the most handsome way possible. "hello~! I'm Jackal....and you are?" He said his voice was ever so soft as he held out his talon with a smile
  9. "ALL RIGHT! HUSH UP" Gill boomed from the middle of the classroom as most the students sat down and flung his wings open. "ALL RIGHT! so we're learning about tribes first"
  10. After what seemed like an entirety of gill talking the gong finally rung for your free time! Where do you go?
  11. (ONLY FOR LIBRARY) As you enter the library you notice an IceWing sitting in a corner. He looked p at you and for a moment just stared before returning to the scroll. How do you react?
  12. (FOR PREY CENTER ONLY) As you enter the prey center you see a bigger MudWing chasing a chicken making unflattered noises.The chicken is running towards you. What do you do?
  13. (FOR YOUR CAVE!) As you enter the cave you notice the snow was shuffled around in one spot...you examine it closer and it seems like an object is hiding underneath the snow. What do you do?
  14. (FOR THE RAINWING ONLY) As you exit the cave you look around to find the light brown RainWing, you spot him on his way to the library. You run over and....
  15. (FOR THE SEAWING ONLY) You walked down the halls to find that rude SeaWing, You spot him yelling at another dragon. What do you do?
  16. (FOR SANDWING ONLY) You walked out of the classroom and notice the SandWIng standing by himself..seeming like he was waiting for someone... He noticed you and rushed over. "Oh! Hi I was hoping we could go flying together...or hunt....whichever one!". How do you respond?
  17. Did you like this quiz?
  18. Would you like a second part?

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