*Who are you from Wednesday*

hi this is a quiz for wednesday woeifwoiefoewiufoeiwufoiewfuoiweuf wqefiqwuefiweifuowieuf wefoiuw efoiuw efoiwuef oiwuf owief uoewifu weoifu weoiufoewi fioewu fieow f

qwru rwqioru wowriwqr wiruwoqriuqw r oqwiurwqoiru oiwurowiqurowqiur oiwurowiruoqwiuroqwiur owoiruowiruoqwiuroqwiruoqwiuroiwquroqiwuroiqwurw riouwqroiuqworiuqwoiruqowiur

Created by: auggie
  1. If you had a day off, what would you do?
  2. Who is your favorite wednesday character?
  3. Choose a pet:
  4. How would your friends describe you?
  5. whats your favorite early 2000's show?
  6. Choose a style
  7. Where would you work??
  8. are u gay
  9. would you date jenna ortega
  10. do u read fan fics???

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Quiz topic: *Who am I from Wednesday*
