. When will you get married?

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This quiz is to test when will you get married.If you get luckky you get a high percentage than a low percentage. Trying these quizes are fun and you get to atleast know something.Hope you get lucky and get a goo score. But hopefully you get 100%. Good Luck!

Also you can get results on knowing what youll get. Hopefully you get good percentage. Have faith in your score and in yourself. Atleast have a nice life and be a awesome person like you are.Good Luck!😊😝😜😎😀😃😄

Created by: Valerie
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Do you want to get married?
  4. Who do you want to get married to?
  5. Do you have a boyfriend?
  6. Where would you like him to take you?
  7. Has he ever mentioned he want to marry you?
  8. What do you think your score is going to be?
  9. What do you have?
  10. Happy or sad?

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Quiz topic: . When will I get married?
