Whats your animql spirit

Take this test you know you want to and c'mon are you sure you don't want to know your animal spirit besides this teach really is accurate and besides this might he fun

Now hat exactly is ananimal spirit you might ask. Well an animal spirit is your soul except shape in animal form and it is also your gaurdian animal :)

Created by: mya403

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favriot color
  2. Are you male or female
  3. Are you black or white (if you black don't take this the wrong way because you might get silver trout)
  4. Youur name starts with...
  5. Witch sportdo you like out of the ones below
  6. Do you believe in ghosts
  7. Chosse one
  8. Choose one
  9. Choose one
  10. Correct the errors. Toe git to the priter
  11. Witch number below is your favriot number
  12. Would you say your lazy
  13. Rate this will no count of your grade
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Quiz topic: Whats my animql spirit