*What's your JJBA's stand*

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You find what your stand is! (Well probably not accurate) but enough to find out what your true stand is! Waken your first ever stand and go fight the evil!

Go ahead, try it! Promise it's not the best but it's the first quiz so, go ahead Mr jo star. Good luck with getting your fav. Also, it's not gonna probs gonna be your stand but whatever.

Created by: Jocelyn
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What are your personal traits?
  3. What are your hobbies?
  4. How do you dress?
  5. What's your fav food?
  6. Whos your fav?
  7. Which is the toughest villain?
  8. What's your favorite part?
  9. Do you eat bread
  10. What's your last name?

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Quiz topic: *What's my JJBA's stand*
