♥What Magical Creature Are You?♥

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What magical creature are you? A unicorn, fairy, mermaid or angel? This is a girls quiz because all of the creatures are girls creaures but boys can take it just for fun!

Hope you like and I'm only 10 so please comment no rude comments and I can't reply cos don't have an account =( Hope u like!♥xxx.

Created by: Cutesy kitty xxx of Cuties forever
(your link here more info)

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  5. What's your favourite sport? ♥
  6. What's your favourite thing to do?♥
  7. If you had any magical power what would it be?♥
  8. What is your favourite flower?♥
  9. What is the most precious jem stone?
  10. Whos your favourite Disney princess?

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Quiz topic: ♥What Magical Creature am I?♥