[What is your Hogwarts house?]

This quiz tells you what your Hogwarts house is. Please answer these questions honestly, and please do not hate me if you get something you really hate.

I do not what to write. I do not know what to write… Please comment and give some constructive feedback and suggestions and rate. Also I am in the house Ravenclaw.

Created by: I do not have a name
  1. What is the trait that you see most in you? This question is really important! Do not skip this question!
  2. Who is your godly parent? This is actually from the PJO world but it is actually pretty useful if you can match them up properly.
  3. Which house do you hate the most?
  4. If you could have a potion that can give you whatever you want what would it be?
  5. Books or movies?
  6. Smart or ambitious ?
  7. Brave or kind?
  8. Favorite class
  9. This does not effect the result, do you like this quiz?
  10. Choose a person

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Quiz topic: [What is my Hogwarts house?]

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