🐲What dragon are you?!?! 🐲

There are many different dragons on earth from wingless to soaring in the air. I have some pretty cool dragons that come from my dreams that I would like to see.

What dragon are you? Are you a dragon that can come back from the dead to have a second chance? Or will you be a dragon with some of the most powerful magic in the world, take this quiz to find out.

Created by: Fayth
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to battle other dragons?
  2. What is you favorite color?
  3. Random question ◑﹏◐
  4. The thing you like out of these questions (^O^)
  5. Sorry about the last one, I got of topic 😥
  6. When your are captured and put in a dungeon what do you do?
  7. I don't think i have anymore questions...
  8. If you remember the last question i really don't have any questions so here.
  10. GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: 🐲What dragon am I?!?! 🐲