~Warrior Cats Love Story~Part 1~[GIRLZ ONLY]

Hey I wanted to make a quiz so I made a Warrior Cats Love story cuz I think they are ez and cool. I've seen other people doing them and i really like them.

Remember girls only! I dont think this will have many people doing it but whatev. This is my first quiz so im just trying it out. Please dont get mad if your results...are ya know.

Created by: JaguarHeart
  1. You open your eyes for the first tim to see a big blury grey figure beside you. You focus a bit and see that she has beutiful blue eyes. "Oh good you've woke up. Im your mother, SilverTail." You feel some one lick you and you turn around to see a big mucular black tom with green shining eyes.His mucules ripple under his fur. He is very hansome. How do YOU react????
  2. The tom says gently "I am Skystar. Your father." Then your mother says "What should we name her?" You sit there a while waiting for your father to answer. Finally he anwsers "we should name her __________. Your mother nods and says "________ is perfect."
  3. Then you look to the door way and see a white kit standing there staring at you. You get up and go over to him. He keeps staring at you. You say "henlo me name ________." He stares at you a bit more then shakes his head and replys "oh. cool. Im Whitekit. your mother's freind's kit."
  4. You say to Whitekit "oh cool" then he says "wanna play mossball with me, Jaykit and Rosekit?" what do u do?
  5. (what ever you did you finally agree) You follow Whitekit out the door to find two other kits playing with a ball of moss. They both look up at once and the small she-kit says "OH! _______ is up! More players! im Rosekit your sister and this is Jaykit." she says flicking her tail towards the tomish kit. He stammers some and looks at you saying "H-hey ya..ya im Jaykit...." He has a silver striped coat and soft blue eyes.
  6. You join the game of mossball anyway. Jaykit passes you the ball. you pass it too......
  7. Ok you played moss ball now moons pass......NOW its your apprentice ceremony!! Your father (the leader) calls "LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY GATHER BELOW HIGH ROCK FOR A CLAN MEETING!!!!" As you pad over you see Whitekit gazing at you. You sit by....
  8. (who ever you sat by) Your mother ushers you over to sit by her and your sister. you slowly trugde over but soon are very exited! YOU are becoming an APPRENTICE!!!! Your father calls you over and says "Young _________, with your mentor FireClaw, you shall now be known as ________!!" Every one cheers. Then Whitekit is called over.
  9. Your father continues, "Whitekit, with your mentor Willowpelt, you shall be known as Whitepaw!!!!" Whitepaw raises his head and looks at you. Then Skystar says, "And our med cat, LillyStone, has chosen an apprentce! Rosekit from now on you will know as Rosepaw!!!!" Every one cheers again. "WHITEPAW! ROSEPAW!! ________!!" Then your father says "oh and yes another apprentice, Jaykit come forward. Jaykit, with your mentor HollyPelt, you will now be know as JayPAW!!!" Everyone cheers AGAIN "WHITEPAW! JAYPAW! ROSE PAW! _________!!"
  10. The next day: You wake up and stretch. Today is your first training with FireClaw! You jump up and run out bumping into a big tabby tom. "oh sorry..." you say. He answers in a calm voice, "oh i was just looking for you." you look into his bright green eyes staring right at you.
  11. You pad out into the woods, FireClaw says "So ill just take ya round the boreders k?" You nod. He starts running you run after him. SUDDENLY a big brown figure jumps onto u!!!

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