#The Macecoronel trivia

Mace mace mace fan fan. Yay lets party party all of you you all are very awsome so thanks take a other Quiz thanks You are so amaceingley cool :)

Are you a genious do you havethr brain power to qualify in this tittle,untill now you could wonder but thanks to this quiz in a few minutes youll find out!

Created by: Don Rielies
  1. How old is mace
  2. What year was mace born
  3. In what year did mace start playing Dicky from, Nicky,Ricky,Dicky,And Dawn
  4. What is maces favorite dog
  5. What is his dogs name
  6. What is his dogs name
  7. We make that lemonade was in
  8. Does mace have a middle name
  9. Where does he live
  10. Does he speak another language
  11. What is his age (2015)
  12. What stage is he in the show nicky,Ricky, dicky and dawn
  13. Do you think he is cool

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