The Gotei 13 Quiz

Welcome to the general gotei 13 quiz I hope you will do well and you can impress people with your knowlede of the anime world. Who knows someone might see your score and think you are a total genus or something.

Final question how do you become a captain.

Created by: killgore
  1. how many squads are there
  2. how many captions are there (date up to is july 2009)
  3. who is the sixth squad captain
  4. who has the most powerful ice type zanpoktou
  5. who was the old captain of squad 12
  6. which captain loves candy?
  7. which lieutenant is in squad 13
  8. who is the the captian that has no fear of dying?
  9. what seat is yumichika
  10. final question how do you become a captain

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