
This quiz was just a quick little story I did for fun. I didn't plan it so it's not all that great but I hope that you liked it. I will do more as it is a series.

This series is about Mercury. A 14,000 year old goddess who loses her memory and has no recollection of her past. She is torn between two men and promised to another. There is Derek, the black headed assassin who was sent to kill her under false pretenses. Then there is Alex, the brunette headed body guard who would die for her. Jack is the god of death and is the man whom her father promised her to.

Created by: Rose
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The night air was cold and thin as you ran through the streets of New York. You didn't dare look behind you or stop. All of a sudden a black shadow drops from a roof in front of you and you stop.
  2. The shadow emerges and takes shape. It is a boy about your age with black hair and emerald green eyes. He smirks at you and pulls out a gun. " Sorry Doll, nothin personal, just followin orders."
  3. You turn around and begin to run but you hear a shot and feel a burning in your side. You look down and red seeps through your tee shirt.
  4. You feel a boot on your back and fall to your knees. The cold barrel of the gun is pressed against the back if your head, but right before he pulls it another boy tackles him from the side.
  5. This new boy has brown hair and gray eyes. "Run!" He calls to you as he holds down the other one. You push yourself off the the ground and run hard and fast for your home.
  6. You reach a dark alley and stop to breathe. The cool night air is like needles in your lungs. A bone chilling laughter echos down the alley. "Hey there sweet thing. What are you doin runnin from me?" The first boy appears in front of you.
  7. "I'm Derek by the way. I just thought you should know my name before I killed you." He raises the gun and everything goes black.
  8. You sleep restlessly and are racked with shivers. Every time you move you feel a pinch in your side from the bullet wound. "Where am I?" You think to yourself.
  9. You open your eyes and try to move but you legs feel like lead. You turn your head and see the brunette guy that saved you. "Hey, your okay. Everything is fine, I promise."he says.
  10. He smiles at you and your heart thuds against your ribcage. "Where am I?" You ask. "You are in the underworld your majesty. Welcome home."

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