~Ring Sling Order Form~

This is the Koala Babies, LLC online order form for ring slings. Please take a few moments to place your order here. Also, don't forget to specify whether you want shipping or to arrange a pick-up.

After the quiz, please e-mail me at koalababies@yahoo.com to verify information. Don't forget to make your payment through paypal. If a pick-up is arranged, shipping fees will be omitted. Thank you.

Created by: Arminda McNeill Graham of myspace.com/koalababiesllc
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color would you like your sling done in?
  2. Would you like a pattern?
  3. Will you be paying for shipping?
  4. How old is your child that you plan on "slinging"?
  5. Are you currently breastfeeding?
  6. Will you be buying more slings from us in the future?
  7. Were the instructional videos helpful to your understanding on the usage of a sling?
  8. Will you be telling your friends about ring slings and babywearing?
  9. Do you know of any friends or relatives that are interested in babywearing, that may want more information on our products?
  10. Done ordering?

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