
Hello, and welcome to the most random crap I could think of at the moment! At the end of this quiz you'll get a nice little insult.. JUST FOR YOU! I don't actually mean it, so don't take it too personaly! If you can't take it, you suck anyway.

Paragraph two.. I could go on and on about how this is a total waste of time, but I've decided to do something different. I am going to take up space by talking about how I could put some smartass comments about the stupid paragraph thing. Ah, look a here! I've reached the 150-character requirement!

Created by: Ima Boogereater
  1. When you pull the light chain on your ceiling fan, what sound does it make?
  2. When you pull the light chain on your ceiling fan, what sound does it make?
  3. If you could only wear ONE color shirt for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  4. How do you say "opossom"?
  5. Is this question's numer a prime numer?
  6. Do you shop on Ebay?
  7. What kind of mouse do you use?
  8. What kind of mouse do you use?
  9. What kind of clock do you like the most?
  10. This is the end of the quiz. Good bye.

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