/r9k/ robot test

Within the depths of the obscure digital realm known as 4Chan, a particular message board emerges called /r9k/. Originally conceived as a successor to its predecessor, the infamous /b/, this virtual space has since become a haven for those individuals whose life experiences have been less than optimal, self-identifying collectively as "robots."

Are you a robot? Or do you find yourself aligned with the ranks of the esteemed Normie/Chad archetype? Embark upon this light-hearted quiz, crafted with a touch of whimsy, to ascertain your virtual identity. Kindly note that this lighthearted quiz is intended purely for amusement and should not be regarded as a holy scripture of one’s worth.

Created by: AnonMaster468
  1. Rate your facial attractiveness
  2. What’s your height
  3. 3. Describe your fitness level
  4. What’s your Skin tone
  5. Describe your facial hair
  6. How do you keep your body hair
  7. Do you have a full head of hair
  8. How often do you brush your teeth
  9. How often do you shower
  10. How often do you go outside
  11. Do you work? How much do you make
  12. Where do you live
  13. What do/did you study
  14. How many friends do you have irl
  15. How many girlfriends have you had
  16. When was the last time you dated someone
  17. How many mental illnesses do you have
  18. If so, do you take medication for your corresponding mental illness (answer No, and i’m not supposed to if you don’t have any mental illness)
  19. Do you have anyone who loves you
  20. When was the last time you have s-x
  21. Do you use piss bottles/sh— jugs
  22. How much do you spend time on the internet
  23. How many anime episodes have you watched
  24. How many hours do you play video games
  25. What’s your favorite video game genre
  26. Do you have autism
  27. We’re you bullied in school
  28. How many fetishes do you have
  29. Do you have an anime body pillow
  30. How many Pepes do you have saved on your computer
  31. Do you have a driver’s license
  32. Do you have friends of the opposite gender
  33. Are you on autismbux/neetbux
  34. Do you fleshlights or onaholes
  35. How often do you socialize (Social Media that is not in the place of an online forum counts)
  36. Do you find it difficult to empathize with normies
  37. What are your political views
  38. Have you ever contemplated suicide
  39. How many times have you attempted suicide
  40. Have you ever fantasized about participating in a revolt, in which the underdogs of society rise up and overthrow the established social norms
  41. What is your preferred social media platform
  42. How would you describe your general outlook on Society

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