[Quiz Title Here]Which Hogwart House are you?

Hi there,This tests which house you are if you liked it please gives me a like. You choose where you go we do the results for you house so The Sorting Hat knows what to do.

The 'Which Hogwart House are you' quiz tells either your intelligent or brave or ambitious. Your path leads with 10 questitons to lead you to one of the four houses

Created by: PritalHallows
  1. What are you like when you are outside your home?
  2. How do you feel when you are home alone?
  3. Are you scared of anything?
  4. What's your favourite sport?
  5. What's your favourite color?
  6. What do you feel like?
  7. Which is your foe in the following list?
  8. What wand would you posses?
  9. What feels home?
  10. What house would you be?

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Quiz topic: [Quiz Title Here]Which Hogwart House am I?
