Which stormtrooper are you

this is a quiz about what kind of stormtrooper you are.shoot! i don't sound very convincing. but anyway, you have joined the empire. this is your training, don't make a mistake and be honest

hi,again. really naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg.ok. you are and imperial soldier. I think. you will be tested,it is not an easy thing to get into. be HONEST.

Created by: luke
  1. what terrain do you prefer
  2. your captain is dead. the rebels are closing in. what do you do?
  3. the pilot in your AT-AT is dead. what do you do?
  4. a village has a deserter and you are assigned to capture and kill him. what do you do?
  5. you are assigned to capture a rebel base. what do you do?
  6. what weapon do you prefer?
  7. do you like machines?
  8. what do you prefer?
  9. is this the last question?
  10. a high ranked officer walks past you. what do you do?

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Quiz topic: Which stormtrooper am I
