[Quiz Title Here]

There are two major commonly used psychedelic drugs out there, Psilocybin Mushrooms and LSD. The question is, which one is for you? Take this quiz and find out.

Although these two substances are often grouped together, there are marked differences in how they affect the tripper. They certainly have their own unique properties.

Created by: ttt
  1. How long do you want your trip to be
  2. Science Fiction or Fantasy?
  3. Do you want to be in the driver seat of the trip, having more freedom to control the way it goes, or simply be along for the ride?
  4. What type of visuals do you prefer
  5. What kind of feeling do you want to have during the trip?
  6. Are you trying to avoid a bad trip?
  7. Sun or moon?
  8. Hippy lifestyle or Shamanistic lifestyle?
  9. Are you a thinker or a feeler?
  10. Are you an extrovert or introvert
  11. Do you mind a hangover at all?
  12. Do you want to feel very physically stimulated or relaxed?
  13. Do you prefer consuming a natural substance or an artificial one?

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