
Some people may say you are a nice person or that you are a mean person. But what does it really mean to be nice or mean. To be nice is to be a good person right and to be mean is to be the opposite of that right.

So in this quiz find out if you are a nice person or a mean person. To some people who do not care about what other people say you probably do not want to take this but for people who care this just might be for you.

Created by: Serenity
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How nice are you?
  2. How mean are you?
  3. Do you like people?
  4. Do you like to socialize?
  5. How many friends do you have?
  6. Do you have a posy or not?
  7. Do you like to bully people?
  8. Do you like to help people?
  9. What type of personality do you have?
  10. Do you like to fight?

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