... Meow... Moo... Ruff

Youll have to take the quiz to find out what its about... Though the title should be self explanatory... But try it out if youre bored... I mean... What do you have to lose?

Same as what I said before if youre bored take the quiz... It doesn't really matter to me but it would be cool to have it be tested out yknow... Kukuku... Have funnn.

Created by: Bruh 7_7

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What does a dinosaur say?
  2. What does a cat say?
  3. What does a dog say?
  4. What does a wolf say?
  5. You should not fail this quiz -.-'
  6. If a daddy frog goes ribbit and a mommy frog goes croak what does a baby frog say?
  7. What does an elephant say?
  8. What do humans say?
  9. What do cows say?
  10. What does a fox say. ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡° )?

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