***heart*** Wolfs

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Which kind of dog species are you?? Do you love to run? Do you love to hunt?? Or do you just want to have fun??? This is the quiz for you!!!

Do you love animals?? Well, come to this quiz to find out if you really are a animal!!! Maybe you are a dog, or a wolf find all this out and more in this quiz!!

Created by: jade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you do in your spare time?
  2. What part of the family do you want to be??
  3. What's your fav prey??
  4. Why is your fav prey rabbit?
  5. Why is your fav prey fish??
  6. Why do you not know what prey is?
  7. What's your fav grass or meat?
  8. Why do people tear up our homes??
  9. What kind of animal is your bff??
  10. If you could fly where whould you go??

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