~Guess the TAYLOR SWIFT lyrics~so I can tell if ur a fan!!!

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I will give you some lyrics and you haft to guess the words! I’ll then tell you whether you a full on swifty or if u don’t know her at alll !!!!!!!!!!

Facts about Tay Tay: Taylor swift has a cat named after Olivia benson! She has a new album called tortured poets department- you should listen to it!!

Created by: Taylor swift fan
  1. We are never ever ever ever getting back ______
  2. She wears high heels I wear ______
  3. It’s a ______ _____ baby just say yes
  4. This was the very first ____ not where the story line ends
  5. Karma is my __________ , karma is a ___, purring on my lap cuz it loves me
  6. It’s a _____ ________ with you
  7. Boys only want love if it’s _______, don’t say I didn’t say I didn’t _____ ya
  8. Say you’ll ______ me, standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset.
  9. Don’t blame me ____ made me _____ , if it doesn’t you ain’t doing it right
  10. You need to calm down, your being too ____

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